Parking information
Q-Park aims to provide as much information as possible about its parking facilities to visitors at the location itself and in advance through country specific websites.
We have created a useful place for all this information in our recently renewed back-office systems which feeds the country websites. Besides mentioning popular destinations nearby, the information presented includes:
number of parking spaces, including those for blue badge holders
drive through height
number of e-charging stations
parking tariffs and options for pre-booking and season tickets
services provided, such as AED, family parking, and toilets
Figure 24 Information about our services online

Wherever possible, we locate our inner-city parking facilities within easy walking distance of points of interest (POIs). And we indicate this distance to attractions in the information about a parking facility on our websites and in our parking apps.
Figure 25 Walking distance to attractions shown online

1,861 parking facilities provide the most sought after information by our customers, and more, online.
Points Of Interest (POIs)
Identifying and listing points of interest (POIs) in the vicinity of a parking facility is not an easy task but it is something we at Q-Park do diligently.
Organisations responsible for a POI, local tourism or an event can help visitors by registering with partners in the travel chain such as Q-Park, who then add the POI to the information provided per parking facility.
In addition, we have integrated smart and intuitive search engine functionality in our websites and we also indicate how long the walk is to the final destination. And many POIs offer a reciprocal service by including a link to our parking facility and pre-booking services on their site.
In 2018 we listed 1,333 POIs which are near to our parking facilities. The online information includes walking distance, parking tariff, navigation information et cetera, enabling motorists to make an informed decision of where to park.
Except for France, all countries have listed relevant POIs in our back-office systems. We will follow-up in 2019 and continue to add POIs easily accessible from our car parks and thus contribute to further decreasing the amount of traffic searching for place to park.
Figure 24 POIs near our parking facilities identified