We aim to retain value through co-creation.

We work together with parking payment service providers (PPSPs) such as EasyPark and Yellowbrick who want to combine their on-street parking and payment solutions with off-street parking for their customers.
This partnership enables customers to:
park in our facilities with the PPSP card of their choice;
receive a convenient overview of all their parking transactions;
pay immediately or make a single payment at the end of the month.
Figure 33 Co-creation with NS Business Card

In the Netherlands, Q-Park has a co-creation solution with the NS, the national railway operator. Q-Park manages the Park+Ride car parks at train stations and enables NS Business Card holders to use their public transport card for parking as well.
We co-create with municipalities and public and private landlords to provide underground bicycle parking, infrastructure solutions, green spaces as well as routes for pedestrians and cyclists above ground.
We also endeavour to create aesthetically pleasing interiors and exteriors to our structures either as an artistic statement or to blend in with the surroundings. In many of our inner-city projects, such as Deansgate North in Manchester and Handelsbeurs in Antwerp, we have retained the architectural heritage.
Figure 34 Architectural heritage - Deansgate North

Figure 35 Architectural heritage- Handelsbeurs

From 2019 onwards we intend to start listing value retaining co-creation partnerships, for example on:
third party parking and payment enablers;
sustainable transport enablers;
public transport enablers;
public-private partnerships.